

Amy's Story

Creator of Snoring: The Cure

Anyone suffering from snoring knows how difficult it can be to get a good night's rest. Created out of a personal need and a desire to help others, I want you to know you aren't alone and help is here.

"Snoring" is very embarrassing, especially for women. Having been afflicted myself, I was a heavy snorer and was afraid to fall asleep in somebody else  house, so I understand the problem all too well. 
In a relationship with a very nice man, one day he told me that he was very worried about my snoring. Not sure of what to do, I began reading about the causes of snoring and sleep apnea. After a lot of research and consulting experts in the field, I developed the Snoring: The Cure program. 
I started doing the program regularly, and after a few weeks, I realized I was curing myself, as my snoring began to subside. To make sure I was correct, I started recording myself as I slept and discovered my snoring was going away, a little more every day.

Surprised and delighted to discover that I had cured myself of snoring, I decided to share my experience with others. 

With this wonderful and natural program, you can learn how to stop snoring. It's easier than you may think and it will transform your life, letting you sleep better and allowing you to become a happier and healthier person." 
–Amy Pardo, creator of Snoring: The Cure 

See more about the Snoring: The Cure DVDs for cures to snoring today!

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